Leader of Evolutionary Vision+x Oriented Learning (EVOL) Lab & Principal Research Scientist @ The Institute of AI (TeleAI), China Telecom, Beijing, P.R. China
Researcher & Ph.D. Supervisor @ School of Artificial Intelligence, Optics and Electronics (iOPEN) | Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), Xi'an Shanxi, P.R. China
Office: 11 Dongzhimen South Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 100027
Phone: (86) 15313525501
Email: zhaoj90 (at) chinatelecom (dot) cn OR jian_zhao (at) nwpu (dot) edu (dot) cn OR zhaojian90 (at) u (dot) nus (dot) edu OR zhaoj08 (at) pcl (dot) ac (dot) cn
Prospective Students : Contact me.
My research interests include AI Governance, and Vicinagearth Security:
More details can be found here.